Sunday, January 26, 2025

Says Who?

Lately I’ve been delving into one of my side interests—psychology. (When I was finishing college and trying to decide what to do next, I was accepted for the Masters in Counseling program at Denver Seminary before I decided to go to Wheaton instead. God had different plans for me.) I’ve been watching a number of videos from Steve Cuss on, including some about our inner critics. I don’t know about you, but I have a loud inner critic. He tells me often that I’m not good enough, not smart enough, and that I better keep my mouth shut so other people don’t find out I’m an imposter and I don’t belong here. (Even now I’m arguing with the voice that’s telling me “Real writers don’t wait a month between blog posts!”)

Steve wisely points out that we need to compare the voice of our inner critic with the truth of God’s Word in order to ignore the lies. Mark Batterson puts it well in A Million Little Miracles:

Shame says, “I am a mistake.”
God says, “You are My workmanship.”
Shame says, “I am unworthy.”
God says “You are worth the cross.”
Shame says, “I am not enough.”
God says, “You can do all things through Christ who strengthens you.”
Shame says, “I am an accident.”
God says, “You are fearfully and wonderfully made.”
Shame says, “I am unlovable.”
God says, “You are My beloved.”
Shame says, “I am insignificant.”
God says, “You are the apple of My eye.” (184)

The inner critic, judge, shame—whatever name you want to call the enemy of our soul—tries to convince us that God wants nothing to do with us unless we can achieve perfection on our own, which is a futile effort. Paul reminds us in Romans 8:1, “There is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.” We don’t make ourselves acceptable. God first chose us, loved us, redeemed us, and adopted us into His family, all long before we even thought of how we might perform to try to win His approval.

I should note as well that God’s opinion of us should matter far more than the opinions of man, but we can often be sidelined by the fear of what others think. We all want to be loved and accepted, but every one of us has different standards, so pleasing everyone is doomed from the start. But our Creator gives us far more grace than we can even begin to imagine.

Steve Cuss asks a question that I’ve been thinking about a lot. “What if I were at least as ___ to myself as God is?” What would be different if I were as gracious, loving, and forgiving of myself as God is? I have no doubt the result would be less anxiety and more joy. I may not get there very quickly, and my inner critic is not likely to quit work, but he doesn’t have to have the final word.

“By this we shall know that we are of the truth and reassure our heart before Him; for whenever our heart condemns us, God is greater than our heart, and He knows everything” (1 John 3:19-20).

© 2025 Dawn Rutan. Unless otherwise indicated, all Scripture are ESV and all images copyright free from The opinions stated do not necessarily reflect the views of my church or employer.

Saturday, December 21, 2024

Walking in Darkness

The Gospel of John begins by declaring about Jesus “The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it… The true light, which gives light to everyone, was coming into the world” (John 1:5, 9). And when Jesus began His ministry He repeated Isaiah’s prophecy “The people dwelling in darkness have seen a great light, and for those dwelling in the region and shadow of death, on them a light has dawned” (Matthew 4:16).

Thinking back to that first Christmas, some shepherds in a field were alerted as “An angel of the Lord appeared to them, and the glory of the Lord shone around them, and they were filled with great fear... And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God...” (Luke 2:9, 13). They probably remembered and talked about that glorious light many times after that night. And yet only a few shepherds had that experience. The whole town of Bethlehem didn’t show up at the stable to find out what was going on. Most of the people didn’t really know what had happened, even if they were living in hope of the coming Messiah. Jesus could have arrived in great pomp and circumstance so that people had to take notice and respond. But instead He came in the humility of a small-town stable with just a few witnesses.

Then there were the magi. They saw a star in the sky that meant something to them and caused them to seek the reason it had appeared. But nobody else noticed or cared enough to search for the new King. So it doesn’t seem that the star was so big and bright that it demanded attention.

The One who claimed to be the Light of the World (John 8:12) actually slipped into the darkness almost unnoticed. He certainly brought spiritual light and life in undeniable ways, and has been enlightening lives throughout the centuries. But this world still seems awfully dark most of the time. Rather than the unmistakable light of our sun, it can seem more like a distant star barely visible in the night. There is still rampant sin, brokenness, and darkness all around us. We suffer physically, mentally, and emotionally, and we look for relief and release from the darkness.

As those who have faith in Jesus, we look forward with hope to that final Day when He will indeed come in great glory and every eye will see Him (Rev. 1:7). Then we will fully see the promised Light and the new creation where, “They will need no light of lamp or sun, for the Lord God will be their light and they will reign forever and ever” (Rev. 22:5).

Until that day, we endeavor to “walk in the light, as He is in the light,” in fellowship with one another and trusting in His cleansing us from sin (1 John 1:7). When the darkness seems overwhelming, let us remind one another of the Light that has been promised and will soon return— maybe today.

“Because of the tender mercy of our God, whereby the sunrise shall visit us from on high to give light to those who sit in darkness and in the shadow of death, to guide our feet into the way of peace” (Luke 1:78-79).

© 2024 Dawn Rutan. Unless otherwise indicated, all Scripture are ESV and all images copyright free from The opinions stated do not necessarily reflect the views of my church or employer.

Thursday, November 21, 2024

Come Unto Me

“Come, everyone who thirsts, come to the waters; and he who has no money, come, buy and eat! Come, buy wine and milk without money and without price. Why do you spend your money for that which is not bread, and your labor for that which does not satisfy? Listen diligently to Me, and eat what is good, and delight yourselves in rich food” (Isaiah 55:1-2).

You invite us to come just as we are.
There’s nothing we need to bring.
Our best efforts are filthy rags,
You provide everything.

You invite us to come with empty hands.
Come and drink and eat.
Partake of Christ, the Bread of Life,
and Living Water for free.

You invite us to come with all our sin,
and lay it down at the cross.
Leaving it there in His nail-scarred hands,
and donning His righteousness.

You invite us to come as daughters and sons,
fully part of Your family.
We’re accepted in the Beloved One.
Once bound, but now set free.

You invite us to come for every good gift,
sent down from our Father above.
All we truly need for life,
given to us by Your love.

You invite us to come, letting go of all else,
everything that does not satisfy.
Humbly receiving Your perfect gift
of eternal life with Christ.

Lord, may we be quick to turn to You and receive all that You graciously give, forsaking all else, and clinging to You alone!

See also: Isaiah 61:10, 64:6; John 4:10, 6:35, 7:38; Ephesians 1:6; James 1:17; 2 Peter 1:3

© 2024 Dawn Rutan. Unless otherwise indicated, all Scripture are ESV and all images copyright free from The opinions stated do not necessarily reflect the views of my church or employer.

Monday, November 11, 2024

Not Done Yet

“But endurance must do its complete work, so that you may be mature and complete, lacking nothing” (James 1:4 HCSB).

This verse caught my attention recently, perhaps because I was reading it in a different translation than I usually use. I think I’ve typically paid more attention to verses 2-3: “Count it all joy, my brothers, when you meet trials of various kinds, for you know that the testing of your faith produces steadfastness.” But it’s verse 4 that points out the end goal.

We don’t endure simply for the sake of learning endurance, but so that we may reach maturity. But here’s the rub: we aren’t the ones who get to determine when maturity has been completed. The Apostle Paul, in one of my favorite verses, states, “I am sure of this, that He who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Christ Jesus” (Phil. 1:6). God not only sets the standard for perfection in our lives, but He’s also the one who will bring it about at the end of time. So long as we live in this fallen world with these broken bodies, we’ll have to keep enduring a variety of trials and struggles. And as we endure in Christ, we’re slowly being conformed to His image.

It’s possible to endure in ways that don’t lead toward maturity. Some people may be quick to tell you all that they are putting up with, but there is little evidence of the fruit of the Spirit growing in their lives. Enduring in your own strength can look like just gritting your teeth and holding on with all your might. But enduring with Christ and by the power of the Holy Spirit brings peace in the midst of the storm, humbly trusting that God will sustain you as long as necessary. That kind of calm assurance comes with the maturing process.

Now that I can’t avoid the fact that I’m middle-aged, I generally consider myself to be pretty mature in most areas of life. But I’ve also been realizing areas where I’m still relying on false narratives I learned as a child. Looking back, I can see ways that I have matured over many years, but I know I still have much to learn to be truly mature and complete.

In an episode of the Being Human podcast that I listened to this week, the comment was made that in the Christian life suffering is a feature and not a bug. We tend to think that if we could just reprogram some part of our brains then we wouldn’t have to deal with suffering, as if endurance is simply one lesson we need to learn and then we’re done with it. If our Savior endured suffering, why do we think we should be exempt? We are to follow in His steps, even when it includes suffering (1 Pet. 2:21).

Just as little children need to mature by learning that they can’t always get what they want, we too need to remember that things won’t always go our way or be easy and pleasant. This world can’t satisfy all our desires, but it makes us long for the perfect life that is yet to come. When that day comes, then we’ll be mature enough to enjoy it as God intends.

“As for [the seed that] fell among the thorns, they are those who hear, but as they go on their way they are choked by the cares and riches and pleasures of life, and their fruit does not mature. As for that in the good soil, they are those who, hearing the word, hold it fast in an honest and good heart, and bear fruit with patience [endurance]” (Luke 8:14-15).

© 2024 Dawn Rutan. Unless otherwise indicated, all Scripture are ESV and all images copyright free from The opinions stated do not necessarily reflect the views of my church or employer.

Thursday, October 31, 2024

Run Your Race

Steve Cuss hosts the “Being Human” podcast with Christianity Today, and he’s also recently published The Expectation Gap: The Tiny, Vast Space between Our Beliefs & Experience of God. It is thought-provoking reading. In chapter 7 he addresses some of our faulty assumptions about our progress in our faith. He writes:

“ASSUMPTION: We read these Bible stories multiple times and forget that many of these experiences happened only once to a particular person. We carry the pressure to live out that one story in our lives all the time. REALITY: Seeing these stories as points in time rather than for all time can help us relax into human-sized expectation…

“ASSUMPTION: One week we need to be like Peter. The next week we need to be like Mary. It all depends on what story we are reading that week. REALITY: Peter was pretty much always like Peter. Mary was very Maryesque. You are you, and I am me. We will get further in our faith if we accept our humanity than if we always strive to be someone or something we can never be… Over time, we end up stacking all of these people with all of their unique traits and examples into one fictional super-disciple that none of us will ever be and, frankly, none of them were either.”

You’ve probably experienced something like that. We hear a sermon about Mary and Martha and we think we need to spend all our time sitting at Jesus’s feet in devotion. Yet if we all did that we’d miss a lot of meals! We think we need to be like Peter when he preached fearlessly, yet there were also a number of times he stuck his foot in his mouth and once when he needed a life vest. Each of Jesus’s followers had their ups and downs, and we are no different.

Dietrich Bonhoeffer wrote in Discipleship:

“Scripture does not present us with a collection of Christian types to be imitated according to our own choice. Rather, in every passage it proclaims to us the one Jesus Christ. It is him alone whom I ought to hear. He is one and the same everywhere” (Reader’s edition, ch. 8).

I’m reminded of the old song “Dare to Be a Daniel.” While it is true we all need courage to stand firm in our faith, we don’t need to be another Daniel or Noah or Moses. God already used them for His purposes in their own time. (Incidentally, when I was on the last hymnal committee for my denomination, I strongly suggested that Rahab should not be included in the list of possible names to use in that song, as she was in one hymnal.)

What we need is not another Billy Graham. We simply need each believer to faithfully follow our Lord’s leading in whatever path He sets before us: pastor, teacher, missionary, spouse, parent, manager, employee, author, artist, accountant, secretary, mechanic, or any other role you may have.

This subject recurs in my writing occasionally, and that’s probably because I’ve spent so much of my life trying to be someone I’m not. God has to remind me periodically that I am exactly who He made me to be, and He never expects me to be someone else. With that I will be content (at least until the next time I get distracted).

“Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses [from Bible times till now], let us also lay aside every weight [and false assumptions], and sin which clings to closely, and let us [each] run with endurance the race that is set before us [not someone else’s race]” (Heb. 12:1).

© 2024 Dawn Rutan. Unless otherwise indicated, all Scripture are ESV and all images copyright free from The opinions stated do not necessarily reflect the views of my church or employer.

Friday, October 25, 2024

Not My Strength

I Prayed and Nothing Changed is a new book by Ste Casey. Part of the book focuses on the Apostle Paul’s words in 2 Corinthians 12:

“So to keep me from becoming conceited because of the surpassing greatness of the revelations, a thorn was given me in the flesh, a messenger of Satan to harass me, to keep me from becoming conceited. Three time I pleaded with the Lord about this, that it should leave me. But He said to me, ‘My grace is sufficient for you, for My power is made perfect in weakness.’ Therefore I will boast all the more gladly of my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may rest upon me” (vv. 7-9).

Casey makes the point that whatever Paul’s thorn was, it was given to him by God for the purpose of keeping him humble. It seems that the thorn (or “stake”) was specifically suited for Paul’s temperament, to keep him reliant upon God.

When we face trials and difficulties, we can often forget that God is still in control. Satan could not touch Job without God’s permission (Job 1-2), and the same is true for us. We may also forget that God uses all things for the good purpose of conforming us to the image of Christ (Rom. 8:28-29). If those truths were always solidly planted in our hearts, we’d probably find it easier to “give thanks in all circumstances, [remembering that] this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you” (1 Thess. 5:18).

It is hard to accept and remember that our specific trials are those that God knows will best suit His purposes in our lives. I’ve often thought “If I just had that particular problem, I could handle it easily.” That’s probably why I have to deal with different challenges instead. Successfully handling something in my own strength is only going to lead to pride. But having to rely on God to uphold me day by day makes me remember that it is His strength that is perfect, not mine.

Modern culture tells us we aren’t supposed to be weak, dependent, or (heaven forbid!) uncomfortable. But that is not how God’s kingdom operates. Casey writes:

“We learn from Paul that in the kingdom of the crucified and risen Lord, surrender is success, weakness is strength, and humility is greatness. There is no joy without pain, no victory without wounds, and no wealth without loss” (ch. 1).

When we go through seasons, or a lifetime, of struggle in some area, may we cling to the truths that 1) God is good, 2) He is fully aware of what we’re dealing with, 3) He has permitted it in our lives, and 4) He will use it for our good and His glory. Therefore, we can rest in His sustaining power and give thanks.

“Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with My righteous right hand” (Is. 41:10).

© 2024 Dawn Rutan. Unless otherwise indicated, all Scripture are ESV and all images copyright free from The opinions stated do not necessarily reflect the views of my church or employer.

Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Who's In?

I’ve been catching up on episodes of The Chosen, and just watched the season 4 episode “The Last Sign.” In that episode in particular, there are various conversations between the disciples as they wonder, “Did you expect things to go this way?” Each one came with different expectations. You can almost feel sorry for Judas as he tries to push things in the way he thinks they are supposed to go, because he’s got a particular idea of what the Messiah is supposed to do. And for all the disciples, the death of Lazarus seemed like an anomaly. And then when Jesus raised him from the dead the question arose why Lazarus raised and not others they had loved and lost. I suspect we all have times when we want to say, “This isn’t what I signed up for!”

In a recent episode of the Being Human podcast, Steve Cuss interviewed Beth Moore. Towards the end he comments on the fact that she felt a strong call to ministry when she was really young, but she never imagined that she would have a ministry of trauma healing and helping those who battle mental illness. Beth says, “We would no more have signed up for the ministries He ends up calling us to than anything. And yet, when all is said and done, these have been the things that mattered most.”

Beth went on to mention the man born blind in John 9. When the disciples ask whose fault it was that the man was blind, Jesus responds, “It was not that this man sinned, or his parents, but that the works of God might be displayed in him” (v. 3). Perhaps his whole life he’d wondered why he had to deal with this particular form of suffering. Maybe he had sought out healers in the past and been disappointed. But then Jesus came along and healed him—so that God’s work might be displayed in him. It doesn’t take long for the man to start proclaiming that Jesus is a prophet (v. 17).

What things make you wonder “Why is this part of my life?” Maybe it’s a physical problem, an emotional challenge, or relationship issues. It could be just about anything. Have you ever considered how God might use it for His glory? It may be something as simple as your testimony of God’s sustaining you through dark times. You are the only one who can share your particular testimony, and it may help someone who is experiencing trials of their own.

Sometimes in the church we may give people the impression that following Jesus makes life easy and doubt-free. I think we do a disservice to our young people especially when we don’t share the struggles we face at all stages of life, even when we are faithfully serving God. Rebecca Olson wrote in A New Normal: Learning to Thrive in Suffering:

“Your response to a shipwrecked life may draw more of the right kind of attention to God than a lifetime of smooth sailing. Your commitment to honor God even in your doubt and confusion can prove to a watching world that God is worth following... Furthermore, not only does your steadfast commitment to Christ present a compelling witness to unbelievers, but your perspective on your own suffering emboldens other believers (see 2Co 11).”

In my many miles of trail hiking and running, I’ve realized that the narrower the trail is, the more twists, turns, bumps, and roots there are to trip over. Wide trails make it easier to speed along without concerns. Jesus said the wide path is easy, but it leads to destruction. “The gate is narrow and the way is hard that leads to life, and those who find it are few” (Matt. 7:14). He never promised an easy life or smooth sailing for those who follow Him. But He did promise that He’d be with us through the hills and valleys and every bump and turn of the trail.

When we come to those times of wondering what in the world God is up to, and we’re tempted to say “This isn’t what I thought I was signing up for,” we can return again and again to the words of Peter, “Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life” (John 6:68). We probably brought some misconceptions with us when we decided to follow Jesus, and we’ve all faced detours that took us in directions we weren’t prepared to go. But in the end, there is only One who can redeem all our trials and use them for our eternal good and His glory. Why would we turn away now?

“Not only that, but we rejoice in our sufferings, knowing that suffering produces endurance, and endurance produces character, and character produces hope” (Rom. 5:3-4).

© 2024 Dawn Rutan. Unless otherwise indicated, all Scripture are ESV and all images copyright free from The opinions stated do not necessarily reflect the views of my church or employer.