Friday, January 8, 2021

Follow Me

I’ve been thinking a lot lately about the church—both our local church and Church universal—and wondering whether the church is accomplishing what it is supposed to be doing. Even before the pandemic, nationwide church attendance and influence on culture has been on the decline. It’s easy to get discouraged and think perhaps we’ve failed. Or we get so hung up on traditions that we lose sight of our purpose.

If we remember that we are the Church, the question becomes more personal. Are we being the church as God intended? Are we fulfilling the “one anothers” of Scripture? Are we increasingly exhibiting the fruit of the Spirit? Sometimes I find myself thinking, “I wish church members would do ____,” but I’m not doing those things myself. I can’t judge others without passing judgment on myself. 

Dan DeWitt comments on Peter’s conversation with Jesus in John 21 following the resurrection:

“Peter turns toward the guy who is constantly referring to himself as the disciple whom Jesus loved, likely points his finger at him, looks at Jesus with eyebrows raised, and says in a huff, ‘What about that guy?’

“Jesus’ response to Peter is short: ‘What is that to you?’ In other words, that’s none of your business. Then Jesus repeats those two life-changing words: ‘Follow me’” (Sunny Side Up, 77).

“Not only does Jesus prevent us from comparing ourselves with others; he also doesn’t give us a ton of details about where he is going to lead us. That’s hard for all of us because we want to know what’s next. What comes after this first step of obedience? I can do it today, but what about tomorrow? But Jesus gives us a directive (follow me), not directions (this is precisely where I will lead you)” (79).

My path is not going to look exactly like someone else’s path. My gifts and ministry will take a different shape than yours. So the question is, am I doing the specific things that God has called me to do? Are you?

“Following Jesus isn’t easy or cheap. It will look different for all of us. Don’t be mistaken—it will cost us all something. But so will disobedience. Which will you choose?” (80).

“If anyone would come after Me, let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow Me… For what will it profit a man if he gains the whole world and forfeits his soul?” (Matthew 16:24, 26).

© 2021 Dawn Rutan. Unless otherwise indicated, all Scripture are ESV and all images are copyright free from The opinions stated do not necessarily reflect the views of my church or employer.