Monday, April 25, 2016

Do You Know I Love You?

I just started reading Prone to Love, by Jason Clark. He presents a very simple message, but one that I think many of us struggle to hear and believe: "Remember: God is always saying, 'I love you.' And He’s always asking, 'Do you believe Me?'" (52). Even if we've grown up hearing the message of God's love and we believe it intellectually, it doesn't always become heart knowledge. Once in a while I realize I've become calloused to the message. "Yeah, I know, God loves me, so what?" (That probably happens more than I even notice.) 

I'm not a big fan of the mushy "God loves me" Christian songs that seem to focus on self rather than God, but sometimes we do need to be struck again by the reminder, "Oh, how He loves me!" As Brennan Manning often quoted, "The Father is so very fond of me!"

So what? What difference does it make? I can think of several implications:

-It changes how I see God. He is not the harsh taskmaster waiting to catch me in sin or deducting points for the ministry I fail to pursue. Instead, He is a proud Father delighting in His child. 

-It changes how I see myself. I can learn to love this one for whom Christ died, extending grace instead of condemnation, finding security instead of insecurity, confidence instead of fear, contentment instead of neediness. Although I'm far from perfect, God isn't shaking His head in disappointment and frustration. 

-It changes how I see others. They are not interruptions, annoyances, victims, or enemies, but they are brothers and sisters in Christ, co-heirs of eternity, people whom I can love and invest my life in. 

Jon Bloom wrote in Don't Follow Your Heart, "Nothing exposes the depth of our sin like really seeking to love God with our entire being and loving our neighbors as ourselves (Luke 10:27)." We can't even begin to love God and others well if we don't know that He first loved us. Love is a supernatural overflow from the God who is love. It isn't an emotion, or even a choice, but the outpouring of Christ's life in us. Emotions are fleeting, and choices can be coerced, but true love has only one Source. 

I often think about the image of Jesus holding a little child. “Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of heaven" (Matthew 19:14 ESV). Evidently children and parents were drawn to Jesus because of His love. I imagine He was kind of like the favorite camp counselor that the kids cling to. It makes me wonder what heaven will be like. Will we all be vying to get close to Jesus to hold His hand? Will there be a line of kids waiting to sit on His lap? Somehow I don't think there will be any competition or disappointment, but I can't imagine what it will be like to have free access to the One who loves us beyond measure. 

I pray that you "may have strength to comprehend with all the saints what is the breadth and length and height and depth, and to know the love of Christ that surpasses knowledge, that you may be filled with all the fullness of God" (Ephesians 3:18-19).

© Dawn Rutan 2016.