Thursday, April 28, 2016

Blessed by Love

It's funny how God uses multiple messengers to say the same thing in different ways. This morning I read: in which Vaneetha Rendall Risner reminds us that God's blessings aren't just the good things we enjoy in life, but we are blessed in and through suffering, mourning, and persecution among other difficulties. (See Matthew 5.)

I then returned to reading Prone to Love, by Jason Clark. He states:
"I am growing in my revelation regarding my Father’s heart toward me. 'Only goodness and love all the days of my life,' that’s what I say. I say it when life is a mountaintop and I am learning to say it when life is a valley. Notice the word learning. I am learning my Father doesn’t oscillate. I am learning He will not turn His back on me. He is never my torture; He is only my delight! His love is steadfast and relentless" (117).

God's love is the same whether life is good or life is hard, whether we're in pain or ecstasy, whether we live in wealth or poverty, whether we have freedom of religion or persecution, whether we're surrounded by friends and family or living in isolation. His love never changes, and that is the reason why we can say that we are blessed each and every day. His love is the true blessing. 

"Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life, and I shall dwell in the house of the Lord forever" (Psalm 23:6 ESV). This isn't just some future promise. It is true today. Goodness and mercy are with us daily, and we do dwell in His presence today. How easy that is to forget!

Going back to Risner's article, it is interesting how the prosperity gospel has subtly invaded our thinking. We look at good things as evidence of God's blessing and favor, and bad things as reflecting God's judgment or a "wake-up call." (Clark has a chapter on that too.) But God is always good, always loving, always present. We're the ones who miss seeing what He's doing, because we are looking for the wrong kinds of blessings. 

What would happen if we started changing the way we talk about what God is doing in our lives? It would certainly change the kinds of posts we see on social media. I can only speak for myself, but right now I am blessed that God is:
-walking with me through a time of physical suffering, 
-giving me new experiences of His love in the midst of pain, 
-providing time to reflect on who He is, 
-reminding me of the love of my brothers and sisters in Christ, 
-realigning my priorities away from tasks and toward people,
-forcing me to rest and wait...

"The steadfast love of the LORD never ceases; His mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is Your faithfulness" (Lamentations 3:22-23).

© Dawn Rutan 2016. Photo by Dawn Rutan.