Wednesday, June 15, 2016

You Are More

This weekend I was reading a couple different books that used the same phrase. The first was a novel by Marianne Evans, in which a character said that her infertility made her feel “less than.” In comparing herself to others, she felt she came up short every time. Mary DeMuth reflected the same feelings in Live Uncaged as she evaluated herself after a history of sexual abuse. Perhaps you’ve felt that way as well. I know I have. It may not be infertility or abuse that color our self-perception. Things that make us feel less can include:
  • Lack of education or experience
  • Being unmarried or separated
  • Children who have strayed
  • Loss of a job or home
  • Health concerns
  • Criticism from others
  • Body size or shape
  • Lack of skills (social, artistic, sports, etc.)
  • Not matching cultural stereotypes

…and the list goes on. Any area in which we judge others is an area in which we can feel “less than.” Sometimes other people try to label us as inferior, but we often do it to ourselves as well.
God wants to remind us “You are more!” More than the sum of our abilities or lack thereof; more than our education and skills; more than the roles we take on as spouses, parents, employees, ministers; more than our accomplishments or our failures. The song “You Are More” by Tenth Avenue North is a great reminder that our value is not determined by what we do, but by the One who chose us as His own.

As our church was reminded in Sunday’s sermon on 1 Corinthians 4:1-13, human judgment is superficial. While it is easy to say we shouldn’t judge others (and in fact we get judgmental about judgmentalism), it’s not always so easy to deflect the judgment we heap on ourselves for our perceived inadequacies and failures. Most of our supposed shortcomings probably aren’t even known to anyone else, but we berate ourselves anyway. Mary DeMuth shared what her husband told her, “Mary, I would never treat you that way, and you wouldn’t treat others that way. Why in the world would you treat yourself like that?”

Even as I was planning to write this post I found myself thinking, “Why am I such an idiot?! I deserve ___!” God had to remind me once again “You are more than the sum of your past or present mistakes.” Mary put it this way:
  • “You are not the person devalued by others’ casual opinions.
  • You are not the sum of your righteous (or unrighteous) acts.
  • You are not a thing to be consumed or used.
  • You are not small and unworthy.
  • You are not insignificant.
  • You are not deserving of deceit.
  • You are not the words spoken over you.
  • You are not what they say you are.
You are who He says you are:
Powerfully weak.
Beautifully rejuvenated.

The music video of Jason Gray’s song “Remind Me Who I Am” is a testimony to the power of God’s truth in our lives. No matter what label we think we deserve, God reminds us we are His beloved children. Even if He has to remind us every day, He is delighted to do so to keep us from being overwhelmed by the lies.

“I am my beloved’s and His desire is for me” (Song of Solomon 7:10 ESV).

© 2016 Dawn Rutan.