Thursday, December 23, 2010


Yesterday I was observing the proliferation of Self Storage units, which apparently indicates that most of us own far too many things. Of course, at the time I was driving along with my car packed with Christmas presents for my family. I got to wondering what would happen if we all sold or gave away everything we didn't need, like the church in Acts 2. Although, I suspect we'd all think we need a lot more than just food, clothes and shelter. (Car, computer, TV, etc.) I'm not sure why I have three TVs, two VCRs, and three computers myself (four if you count the old VIC 20).

Jesus was born in a borrowed barn, slept in a borrowed manger, depended on the generosity of friends and disciples to provide meals and shelter, and was even buried in a borrowed tomb. It is a challenge to the American way of life.

I can't say that I've decided to downsize greatly, but it does make me feel better about cleaning closets and drawers full of stuff I never get around to wearing. We'll see how I put that into action by the time I get home with my new Christmas and birthday presents!