Monday, January 3, 2011

Resolved Not to Resolve

A few thoughts on resolutions... The only one I've made this year that is measurable and attainable is to switch to 1% milk from 2%. Other than that, I find that most resolutions based on human efforts are doomed before they start. I could plan to exercise more, eat better, etc., but it's unlikely to happen. Ah, I thought of one other resolution I could probably attain-- using all my allotted vacation days this year! I managed it last year for the first time in my employment history.

I was talking with a church member today about the "through the Bible in a year" reading schedules. I'm not sure how these have come into vogue in recent years. I've never made it through in one year, and probably have taken 3-4 years the few times I have made it all the way through the Bible. While I agree that it is good to be familiar with all parts of Scripture since it is God's Word, I'm not sure what value there is in cramming in several chapters per day just to get through it. It very quickly (usually) becomes a matter of the flesh without much spiritual benefit. I once took a college class on the book of Romans where we were required to read through the book once a week for the duration of the class. Even that became a matter of endurance, though it did help that we could change translations from one week to the next.

The resolution I would like to make, but can't, is that I would bear more of the Fruit of the Spirit. But as the name says, that's gotta be God's work, not mine. I'm not even sure there is anything I could do to facilitate that process. Perhaps that bears further consideration.

Anyway, happy new year to all (and to all a good night)!