Thursday, December 8, 2016

A Brief Thought for Advent

The four traditional emphases of the Advent wreath are hope, peace, joy, and love. As I was looking at some Scriptures on those themes, I noticed a few things in the ESV:
  • There is one verse that refers to the God of hope (Romans 15:13), one reference to the God of love (2 Cor. 13:11), several verses that refer to the God of peace, but none refer to the God of joy.
  • There are several verses that refer to the love of God, one reference to the peace of God (Phil. 4:7), but no references to the hope of God or joy of God.

“God is love” (1 John 4:8), but God is not hope or peace or joy. He is the source of all good things, but He is not defined by those things in the same way that He is defined by love. God has no real need for hope or peace as we understand them, because He is omnipotent and in control of all things. We who are limited, created beings need to find our hope and peace in something and Someone greater than ourselves. God has joy, but it is not dependent on any circumstances. He is never surprised by a good outcome of events or a newly converted sinner. His joy is in the fellowship of the Trinity and in arranging the detailed lives of billions of people in His divine plan.
But God is love. All that He does for us, in us, and through us is because of love. His character is revealed through His love in action, and His love is multiplied through the members of His Body. Because God is love, therefore we can have hope and peace and joy. As we trust in His character we can have hope, knowing that He will work all things together for our good. If we believe in His love for us, we can have peace because He is present with us in all circumstances. And because He is love, we can experience joy as we grow in spiritual maturity and as others are brought to faith in Him.
The commercialization of Christmas has led people to believe that we can find hope, peace, joy, and love through material gifts, well-planned social events, and nostalgic traditions. In reality, they are only found in seeking God. Hope, peace, and joy aren’t found by seeking them for their own sake, but by seeking the God of love.
“May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may abound in hope” (Romans 15:13 ESV).

© 2016 Dawn Rutan.