Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Who Am I?

I am not a sinner
            I am redeemed
I am not guilty
            I am forgiven
I am not wounded
            I’ve been made whole
I am not weak
            I am an overcomer
I am not a victim
            I am a victor
I am not dead in sin
            I am alive in Christ
I am not in darkness
            I dwell in the Light
I am not forsaken
            I am deeply loved
I am not condemned
            I have peace with God
I am not dirty
            I am cleansed
I am not naked
            I am clothed in righteousness
I am not a doormat
            I am seated with Christ
I am not garbage
            I was bought with a price
I am not disgraced
            I am cherished
I am not ruined
            I am a new creation
I am not orphaned
            I am a child of God
I am not destitute
            I am an heir of God
I am not cut off
            I abide in the Vine
I am not ashamed
            I am accepted
I am not distressed
            I am at peace
I am not alone
            I am united with Christ and His body
I am not stuck
            I am being perfected
I am not helpless
            I have work to do
I am not hopeless
            I have hope for eternity
I am not fearful
            I know Whom I have believed

Lord, keep making me into who I am; remove all that I am not, until all that’s left is Your beloved child.