Monday, January 6, 2014

God Is...

One of the books I got for Christmas was Max Lucado’s The Great House of God, and chapter 3 talks about some of the names of God. That made me think about how I have understood God in recent months. What names have I known Him by? 

The ten names of Jehovah in the Old Testament are:
·        Jehovah-ropheka- God that heals you
·         Jehovah-meqaddeshkem- God who sanctifies you
·         Jehovah-tsabaoth- God of hosts
·         Jehovah-elyon- God most high
·         Jehovah-roi- God my shepherd
·         Jehovah-jireh- God will provide
·         Jehovah-nissi- God is my banner
·         Jehovah-shalom- God is peace
·         Jehovah-shammah- God is there
·         Jehovah-tsidkenu- God is our righteousness 

I can identify God with many of these names. He has been at work sanctifying me, while at the same time declaring me righteous in Christ. He has reminded me of His presence and peace in difficult times. He has provided for my needs even before I know what they are. He has led me in His paths when I am inclined to go my own way. He has brought healing spiritually, if not in other ways. 

God has also revealed Himself to me by other names, also found in Scripture. He is my Comforter in suffering. He is my Counselor when life is confusing. He is my Friend when I feel alone and abandoned in the world. He is my Father, who disciplines those He loves. He is my Advocate when I have sinned. He is my Strength when I am weak. He is the Truth when the enemy tries to convince me of lies. He is the Prince of Peace when the world is filled with war. He is my Light when I’m walking in darkness. And He is my Life now and forever. 

This has been an interesting and encouraging exercise in remembering who God is and how He has been at work in the past year or so. It’s easy to go through day after day or year after year and not really think about these things. In doing so, we neglect to give proper praise and glory to the One who is with us through it all. Perhaps we should all take time on a regular basis for focused remembering, meditating on the goodness of the Lord. 

Psalm 77:11-14 (ESV)

I will remember the deeds of the LORD;
Yes, I will remember Your wonders of old.
I will ponder all Your work, and meditate on your mighty deeds.
Your way, O God, is holy.
What god is great like our God?
You are the God who works wonders;
You have made known Your might among the peoples.