Saturday, November 13, 2010

Christmas explained

First, for the record, when I chose the name of this blog I did not intend to imply that I'm more intelligent than anyone else. Actually I was thinking of "mental" in terms of insane.

Anyway, as I was snuggling with the kitty this morning, I realized that Harry Potter reveals the truth about Santa Claus:
1) How does he get around the world in one night? He uses a Time-Turner to go back in time for extra hours.
2) How does he get into houses? He uses Flu Powder. Who needs reindeer when you can just travel from fireplace to fireplace?
3) And speaking of reindeer, no there's no such thing as flying reindeer. But there are Thestrals, which are conveniently invisible to most people.
4) Why don't sneaky kids ever see Santa in the house? He uses a Disillusionment charm to make himself invisible. He could use an Invisibility Cloak, but that might be awkward while delivering packages.
5) How does he fit all the gifts in his sack? He uses an Undetectable Extension charm to make the sack hold far more than seems physically possible.
6) How has Santa lived so long? He has a Sorcerer's Stone with which he can make the Elixer of Life.
7) And finally, those toy-making elves? They are really House Elves, bound to serve Santa for life.

So there you are. And before you ask, yes, I've read the Harry Potter books far too many times! Can't wait for the new movie this week!