The world says fly,
be free,
throw off all constraints.
There are no rules, no laws,
do what you please.
But when trouble
we want roots, connections,
something to keep us grounded
to hold us together.
We can’t have both,
or can we?
Trees don’t fly, birds don’t
grow flowers, but the
Heavenly Father cares for both.
Rooted in His love we
soar to new heights.
Under His wings we find
shelter in the storm
Connected to His Body
there is
belonging, the community
of the diverse, where each
can be uniquely whole.
It is not conformity
that binds us together,
not law that controls
or constrains us.
It is the grace and
of the One who loved us and
thus made us lovable
and taught us to love.
Rooted in Him we are
eternally secure, able
to fly where He leads
just as He planned all along.
Psalm 1:3:“He is like a tree
planted by streams of water
that yields its fruit in its season,
and its leaf does not wither.
In all that he does, he prospers.”
(Sparked by Malcolm
Guite’s article in Christianity Today “Something
Holy Shines”)
© 2025 Dawn Rutan. Unless otherwise indicated, all Scripture are ESV and all images copyright free from The opinions stated do not necessarily reflect the views of my church or employer.