Friday, November 14, 2014

Sacrificial Living

“Cheap worship is an oxymoron. It doesn’t exist” (Good to Great in God’s Eyes, by Chip Ingram). This comment, along with his discussion of Romans 12:1, got me thinking about sacrifice. Paul wrote “I appeal to you therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship” (ESV). I have to admit that when I’ve read that verse in the past, I’ve unconsciously read “present your bodies, which is your spiritual worship,” and left out the part about sacrifice.

So I wondered, what have I really sacrificed? I’ve given time, but not sacrificially. I’ve given money, but it’s not a sacrifice when I have plenty. I’ve given up certain forms of entertainment, but it’s no sacrifice. Most of us will never be called to sacrifice our lives in martyrdom, but we are called to sacrifice our priorities for the love of God.

As I considered further, it occurred to me that sacrifice is a matter of perspective. If you’d told me 20 or 30 years ago how I’d be using my time, money, and energy today, I would have thought myself crazy to be giving up so much for the call of God—working for a Christian organization, giving x amount to the church, using time in study and service. But because it has been a gradual shift in my priorities, I’ve never considered it a real sacrifice. God has been kind to lead me one small step at a time. Many others have had to dive right into the deep end of faithful living. I’ve seen more significant changes in the past year, so I wonder if there is some bigger step of faith on the horizon that God is nudging me toward.

Ingram uses the analogy of a blank check, signing our lives over to God to use as He desires. He writes:

“It’s true that the sacrifices involved are very real, but it’s also true that the benefits are worth the costs. Jesus promised great rewards, both in this age and the age to come, for those who surrender everything to him (Mark 10:29-30). God never uses a blank check selfishly. He always takes care of the one who signed it.”

The sacrifices we are called to make are going to look different for each believer. For some it may mean going to an unknown land; for others it means staying home. For some it may mean giving up a job; for others it means staying in the same job. For some it may mean remaining single and celibate; for others it means raising a family. For some it may mean giving money to support a ministry need; for others it may mean giving time and energy. What is a sacrifice for me may not look like a sacrifice to someone else, and vice versa. We are in no position to judge what others should or shouldn’t do to follow God’s call.

I would challenge each of us to think through what we are doing or not doing in response to our love for God and our desire to worship Him with our whole being. Is there some piece we’re holding back out of fear, pride, or selfishness?
  • Fear says “I might not have enough.” Faith says “God will provide.” (Philippians 4:19)
  • Pride says “My time is too valuable to do that.” Humility says “I delight to do Your will, O Lord.” (Psalm 40:8)
  • Selfishness says “I have the right to use my things as I want.” Generosity says “What do I have that didn’t come from God?” (1 Chronicles 29:14)

May God be gracious in leading us in steps of obedience, and merciful when we find it hard to follow!