Thursday, March 24, 2011

Music music music...

I got to thinking the other day about the church and music. Where else can you go and join people in singing songs every week? Unless you're in a community choir or sing opera, there aren't many places where you are regularly asked to sing along... maybe the occasional concert. That got me to wondering about other religions. I did a quick search and found only a limited number of websites for Islamic or Buddhist hymns. Granted, there may be a lot more in Asian/Middle Eastern countries. But I doubt that they have the wide range of religious music radio stations that are found in the US-- Christian Rock, Southern Gospel, Bluegrass, etc etc etc. We can even take our pick of CDs or MP3s in stores and online.

That spurs a few thoughts:
1) We sing because we have something worth singing about-- the Almighty God who loves us and has redeemed us.
2) From Bible times onward, God has inspired people to write songs of praise that are then shared in the congregation.
3) We should be thankful that we live in a nation that gives us the freedom to sing about our God almost anywhere we want to.

"I will sing of my Redeemer and His wondrous love for me!"